🔷️ Decals with Families 🔷️ You know the season is right around the corner when the final touches are added to the helmets! What makes it even more special is your family helping. #BuildingChampions
over 1 year ago, Lauren Gray
Decals with Family
Decals with Family
Decals with Family
Decals with Family
Milford ISD is pleased to have joined the TCHATT network. Any student can be referred for TCHATT virtual mental health services by contacting Mrs. Cervantes or Nurse Rigsby, our designated liaisons. They will provide families with consent forms and contact TCHATT to set up an initial intake meeting. We recognize the importance of mental health for our students well being.
over 1 year ago, Amy Reyna
This week our pep rally theme for Thursday is :Hawaiian !! Don't have a lei? No worries!! Our Varsity Cheerleaders will have some on sale for $1.00 #BuildingChampions
over 1 year ago, Lauren Gray
Theme this week is: Hawaiian Day!
Milford ISD provides the STOPit Anonymous Reporting System™ This allows individuals to anonymously report safety, misconduct, or compliance concerns to help others or connect with trained Crisis Counselors from the Crisis Text Line™ to help themselves. https://appweb.stopitsolutions.com/login
over 1 year ago, Amy Reyna
Stop It
Just a reminder tomorrow is our first Friday off. #BuildingChampions
over 1 year ago, Lauren Gray
No school tomorrow
August 21-25
over 1 year ago, Amy Reyna
Aug 17
You are invited to meet us in the cafeteria for our SHAC meeting! Thursday, August 17 @ 4:45pm if you have any questions, please reach out to Nurse Rigsby - krrigsby@milfordisd.org
over 1 year ago, Lauren Gray
SHAC meeting Thursday
Check your emails! 📷 Picture proofs are in 📷 The email will be from TSS Photography #BuildingChampions
over 1 year ago, Lauren Gray
Picture proofs are in
2nd place in the silver bracket of the Crossroads tournament. #BuildingChampions #BulldogNation
over 1 year ago, Lauren Gray
2nd place in the silver bracket of the Crossroads tournament
Next Week MISD
over 1 year ago, Amy Reyna
Aug 11
2022-2023 Yearbooks are IN!!! If your child is in school, we will send it home with them tomorrow, or you may come to the front office and pick it up.
over 1 year ago, Lauren Gray
2022-2023 Yearbooks!
📚 Hello 2023-2024 📚 This will be the best year, yet!
over 1 year ago, Lauren Gray
Happy First Day of School
Tomorrow is the first day of school. Please be mindful of the school zone during the hours of 7:00 am - 8:30am and 3:00pm - 4:30pm.
over 1 year ago, Lauren Gray
Tomorrow is the first day of school for Milford ISD. Please be mindful of the school zone during the hours of 7:00 am - 8:30am and 3:00pm - 4:30pm.
Good Luck to our Lady Volleyball @ Avalon today!
over 1 year ago, Lauren Gray
Varsity Volleyball at Avalon 8.8.2023
Varsity Volleyball at Avalon 8.8.2023
Varsity Volleyball at Avalon 8.8.2023
Varsity Volleyball at Avalon 8.8.2023
We are so ready to see everyone tomorrow!! We are trying something new as well- PICTURE DAY!! Dress in your best :) Doors Open at 7:10am 1st Bell 7:35am Tardy Bell 7:40am
over 1 year ago, Lauren Gray
First Day of School!
Picture Day tomorrow!!
Milford ISD Parents & Guardians: Could you please complete the google form for Nurse Rigsby. If you have any questions, please reach out to her at KRRigsby@milfordisd.org https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1yNx2sIdNvx2GoY2bX87s90G7oEpXrcSTsJf1kduIs78/viewform?edit_requested=true
over 1 year ago, Lauren Gray
Google Form for the Nurse
Don't forget Meet the Teacher, Meet the Bulldogs & Paint the Road! When: Monday, August 7, 2023 @ 6:00 PM / 7:00PM & 8:00 PM Please make sure all registration is complete before meet the teacher! #BuildingChampions
over 1 year ago, Lauren Gray
Junior High & High School Meeting with Ms. Coleman in the Cafeteria 6:05 pm
Meet the teacher, Monday August 7th at 6PM
Meet the Bulldogs Monday, August 7th at 7pm
High School Football, Volleyball & Cheer will paint the street at 8:00 PM
Milford ISD transportation announcement for the 2023-2024 school year. #BuildingChampions
over 1 year ago, Lauren Gray
Bus Rider Announcement
School begins next week, and we wanted to be sure everyone was aware of our new hours. Also attached is our school calendar. The doors will open at 7:10 am for breakfast. The tardy bell will be 7:40 am
over 1 year ago, Lauren Gray
Back to School Hours
2023-2024 Milford ISD Calendar